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How gamification design influences motivation for eco-behaviour during tourism in multicultural Malaysia: Development of model and hypotheses
Amalia Rosmadi, Siti Salmi Jamali, Wu Zhong Zhou
International Journal of Design Science, 2022, 2(1): 8-19.  

Research Research Analysis Review
Use of Augmented Reality and Gamification techniques in tourism

Mesároš et al. (2016)
The implementation of Augmented Reality (AR) and Gamification techniques for ludic and education content for specific tourism site. In this article, the authors present the most outstanding examples of Augmented Reality application focused on tourism, as well, as their own Augmented Reality application NosfeRAtu. The application creates a virtual tour in the Orava Castle (Slovakia), where the users are accompanied by a virtual character based on a film personage Nosferatu. During the game, the users discover and learns about the marvellous places and a history of the castle as they complete the different quests.
Factors Affecting the Adoption of Gamified Smart Tourism Applications: An Integrative Approach

Yoo et al. (2017)
This study empirically investigated what factors affect the adoption of smart tourism applications that incorporate game elements, using the Google Maps tourist guide program. This study empirically investigated what factors affect the adoption of smart tourism applications that incorporate game elements, using the Google Maps tourist guide program. As an initial approach, we incorporated diverse theoretical approaches: perceived usefulness; perceived ease. The results of this study show that individuals regard a GSTA as a low-level game tool. Noted in the study the importance in pre-occupy the smart tourism application market in terms of marketing strategy because the network effect is relevant to both perceived usefulness and perceived enjoyment.It also found that the need to provide personal information would negatively affect the adoption of a gamified smart tourism application.
Gamification approach to smartphone-app-based mobility management

Nakashima etal. (2017)
This study develops smartphone-app-based mobility management (MM) using gamification to change behaviour of participants towards sustainable transportation. Although it is not in tourism field, it is somewhat related in terms of implementation gamification in the sustainable transportation. It tries to change the tourists’ attitudes and behaviour to reduce the car use and it is an effective travel demand management. The study found the developed gamified application is effective for people who do not usually walk much. The app was effective especially for people with high competitive spirit. Using smartphone-app as a tool of MM has merit to decrease the burden of participants and surveyor-proving that additional function of game will be effective in the future of MM.
Gaming for Earth: Serious games and gamification to engage consumers in pro-environmental behaviours for energy efficiency

Morganti et al. (2017)
Systematic review to provide an overview of serious games and gamification to engage individuals in pro-environmental behaviours for energy efficiency. Results showed that serious games and gamification have been used in three different areas related to energy efficiency: environmental education, consumption awareness, and pro-environmental behaviours. This review also showed that applied gaming interventions can be used in more than one of these three areas (comprehensive interventions). The main observation to be drawn from this review is that both serious games and gamification can foster energy-saving behaviours and vary widely in terms of type of games and of features that might be appealing and motivating
Designing a game based persuasive technology to promote pro-environmental behaviour (PEB)

Bardhan et al. (2015)
To explore the use of persuasive technologies where behaviour-oriented design techniques are employed to change behaviours of users through persuasion and social influence. It also propose an approach for designing persuasive technologies for stoking pro-environmental behaviour and initiating waste segregation at source. The results of the first-response experiment revealed the influence of persuasive game in the intent creation for waste segregation behaviour. It suggests that when playing prosocial games, there is an increase in prosocial thoughts, and a promotion of helping behaviours, which transfer beyond the gaming environment and can be sustained. The emotional immersion and total concentration that comes with playing a compelling game represents a uniquely powerful environment for introducing new behaviours and habits.
Serious game and the gamification of tourism

Xu et al. (2017)
To conceptualise gamification in tourism by examining gaming in general terms and the application of it in specific tourism field. Application of gamification in specific tourism field is still scarce thus the researchers suggesting a thorough study on the design process of gamification in tourism based on the nature of tourist and the successful implication of useful gaming elements in different sectors in tourism.
Table 2 Analysis of the relevant application of gamification
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